Fleming College invites the public to the first Electrical Safety Symposium at Fleming College on January 15th. Organizer Craig Elliot, professor in the Electrical Technician Program at Fleming, said it is the first organized event that he knows of that has featured this many influential industry experts to speak on safety. "The symposium will give… Continue reading Fleming Hosts First Electrical Safety Symposium
Fire Department Offers 17 Volunteer Positions to Firefighters Class
The North Kawartha Emergency Services is offering additional training, part time employment and housing for students enrolled in the Firefighter program at Fleming College.
Staff Break United Way Fundraising Record at Fleming
Peterborough ON – (December 9, 2009)Through payroll deductions, special events and silent auctions, the United Way fundraising team at Fleming soared to a 18 percent increase over last year’s donations to help community services. We want to thank everyone who donated, said Warren Craft, one of the organizers of the Fleming United Way campaign. Over… Continue reading Staff Break United Way Fundraising Record at Fleming
Fleming Hosts International Human Rights Day Event
Fleming College will be one of thousands of locations involved in the Write for Rights letter writing campaign on Thursday. Fleming’s Diversity Office has partnered with Amnesty International to participate in the annual Write for Rights event. Over 18,000 global citizens will be writing letters to governments for people who are having their basic human… Continue reading Fleming Hosts International Human Rights Day Event
November 24 Declared Fleming Students against Impaired Driving Day
Mayor Paul Ayotte will proclaim November 24 to be Fleming Students against Impaired Driving Day at Fleming College’s Sutherland Campus at 4:30 p.m. in room 374.
Fleming College Welcomes Future Students at Fall Open House
Fleming College will welcome hundreds of potential students and their families on November 21, 2009, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at all campuses in Peterborough, Lindsay, Haliburton, Cobourg and at the Eastern Ontario Fire Academy in Norwood from noon to 2 p.m
Dr. Brent Wootton is scheduled to visit Paris, France next month to speak on his work with the upgraded software program, SubWet 2.0, at the United Nations Environment Programme meeting.