Financial Aid For New Students

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Financial Aid For New Students

Attending post-secondary is one of the biggest financial decisions you will make. The Financial Aid Office can assist you by providing you with financial options to help fund your college education and ensure your success at Fleming.

Step 1: Prepare your Budget

To begin, prepare your budget using the Budget Calculator.

Step 2: Apply for OSAP

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

You can apply for OSAP funding as soon as the applications are available - usually around the middle of April or early May of each year. Apply early, at least 10 weeks before the start of classes. Applications for these government-funded loans are available through the OSAP website.

You may also find helpful information on within the OSAP FAQ's.

OSAP Students: Photo I.D. Requirements

For Students who receive OSAP loans, grants, bursaries, or scholarships, the following list has been provided by the ministry as examples of acceptable photo identification:

  • A valid Driver's Licence
  • Canadian Passport
  • Provincial Health Card with photo
  • Permanent Residency or Canadian Citizenship Card
  • Canadian Military I.D.
  • Certificate of Indian Status
  • Firearms Acquisition Card

If you currently do not have any of the above-listed photo identification, you will need to ensure you have at least one of these prior to the start of your next semester.

There are no exceptions. Student cards cannot be accepted as valid photo identification for any student in Canada for financial aid purposes. If you have questions about the photo I.D. requirements please contact the Financial Aid Office.

Step 3: Investigate Student Bank Loans

These loans vary depending upon the student bank loan program. Interest payments on these loans begin immediately. We encourage you to be a smart shopper - review and compare programs offered by the various banks.

Step 4: Apply for Bursaries and Scholarships

  • Bursaries and Scholarships

    We have approximately $2 million available annually for student bursaries and scholarships. Funding for these scholarships and bursaries is provided by various sources:

    • A percentage of tuition fees collected by Fleming College are allocated towards Financial Need Bursary Programs for full-time students. To be considered for these bursaries students are required to apply.
    • Bursaries and scholarships are also funded by Fleming College - Advancement & Alumni Relations department, and by individual donors and sponsors. Students must also apply to be considered for these scholarships and bursaries.

    Check out the numerous scholarships and bursaries available to new Fleming College students.

  • External Resources

    Research other sources of funding. Consult your high school guidance office, your employer or your parents' employers, community and professional associations and clubs. Scholarships or bursaries offered by these sources will require separate application as they are not administered by Fleming College.

Step 5: Pay Your Tuition

Pay your tuition deposit and fees by the due dates indicated in your fee letter.

Step 6: Get Help if You Need It

If you run into financial difficulty during the academic year:

  • you may be eligible for an Emergency Loan
  • or, if you are in good academic standing you may apply for assistance through the General Bursary Fund (instead of a loan these funds are non-repayable)
  • Information about Emergency Loans or the General Bursary is available through the Financial Aid Office.

Financial Aid Contacts:

(705) 749-5530 ext. 1616

Claudia Byers
Sutherland Campus (Peterborough)

(705) 749-5530 ext. 1166

Debbie McEachern
Sutherland Campus (Peterborough)

(705) 749-5530 ext. 1669

Colleen Johnston
Sutherland Campus (Peterborough)

(705) 749-5530 ext. 1301

Jeff Espineli
Frost Campus (Lindsay)

(705) 749-5530 ext. 3302

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