Employee Rewards and Recognition Program

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Employee Rewards and Recognition Program

Our Rewards and Recognition Program is designed to recognize employees for achievements. It is linked to the core competencies for employees and the College's values.

Fleming values employees who support and demonstrate its six strategic priorities:

  • Achieving Excellence in Student Learning
  • Providing Superior Services and Facilities
  • Leading in Sustainability
  • Growing with Positive Results
  • Building Community Success
  • Developing the Fleming Working Environment

Fleming also recognizes employee dedication, loyalty and commitment through continued long service.

Employee Awards Program

Fleming's Annual Award Program is designed to recognize employees for achievements contributing to the success of the College. The College Values, Core Promise and Core Competencies are incorporated into the criteria for each of the following awards:

  • The Charles E. Pascal Award for Excellence in Teaching and The Vice-President Academic's Contract Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching
    recognize faculty members who demonstrate innovation, up-to-date knowledge of their field, clear communication and role model the Core Promise and College Values.
  • The President's Recognition Award for Support Staff and The President's Part-Time Support Staff Recognition Award
    honour support staff employees who demonstrate professionalism and go above and beyond the expectations of their core job to support the business of the College and who also take responsibility for their decisions and actions.
  • The Leadership Award
    recognizes outstanding leadership that significantly contributes to achievement of College objectives, success in achieving superior team-based results and a commitment to the development of a positive working environment.
  • The Brian L. Desbiens Community Service Award
    is named in honour of our former president. This award is presented to the employee who has extended the 'Fleming Serves' philosophy to the external community and has demonstrated significant volunteer service to the community.
  • The Teamwork Award
    recognizes the team that overcame challenges through the use of effective communications, conflict resolution, critique, collaborative decision-making and accountability. The team must also have demonstrated an inclusive approach to its work that reflects a high level of engagement by all members.

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