Course Code: ARTS2821
This course is welcome to all levels. Anyone can take these courses if interested. Beginner-level instruction will be provided for basic skills while more advanced users can work on more complex projects with instructor assistance.
Designing, building and launching your small business successfully requires a healthy balance of entrepreneurial passion, a unique product, and business management skills. With a focus on lean, modern methods of business planning, and an emphasis on leveraging creative thinking, you will be guided through the development of a new venture concept for your craft. Build a business plan, curate your unique brand, and be part of a final Maker Market Showcase. By successfully completing this course, you will be ready to launch your online store and social media accounts, apply to markets near and far with confidence, and start generating revenue from your products.
Some courses require additional textbooks and/or materials. Please visit your campus store in-person or online:
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