Course Code: ARTS2734
This course has been designated at an intermediate level. An expectation of beginner-level knowledge is needed for these courses. Please read course descriptions carefully to determine if this course is right for you.
The main requirement is being able to match pitch at least relatively well, and that you are comfortable sharing your voice in a group (since there will be times when your voice will be heard alone). If this is pushing your comfort zone, but you want to work on it, that's great too. Feel free to contact the instructor if you're not sure this is a fit for you.
Take a deep dive into improvisational singing and experience the thrill of creating spontaneous music. Explore different ways to create vocal music individually and as a group, based mainly on Vocal River exercises created by Rhiannon, as well as Circle Singing by Bobby McFerrin. You will work on inventing melody as well as adding harmony and syncopated parts. The day will involve musical creativity, deep listening, collaboration, blending voices, stretching your comfort zones, and supporting one another.
Some courses require additional textbooks and/or materials. Please visit your campus store in-person or online:
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