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Camp Kawartha Environment Centre Opens


After 20 weeks of construction Peterborough now has one of the most sustainable buildings in CanadaCamp Kawartha is proud to announce the opening of their unique educational facility called “The Camp Kawartha Environment Centre” on Monday, Nov. 2, 2009 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Located at 2505 Pioneer Road, next to Trent University’s Wildlife Sanctuary, this one-of-a-kind centre will provide environmental programming on sustainability, alternative energy and nature awareness to elementary and high school students.The centre will also partner with Trent School of Professional Learning to provide examples of best practices in environmental education for emerging teachers.  In addition, the centre will offer a variety of workshops offered to the general public on sustainable living practices. The Camp Kawartha Environment Centre is a wonderful example of a community coming together to showcase how to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. We want to thank our main partners: the Gainey Foundation, Trent University, Fleming College’s Sustainable Building Program and the many other funders and donors who helped to make this project a reality.Partners, funders and other honoured guests will have a chance to see the finished building and all its features like the energy-efficient lighting, composting toilets, geothermal radiant floors, a living green roof, solar heated water, rainwater collection system, a wetland water treatment system and Ontario’s only thatch roof. The solar panels will collect enough energy to power the centre, and surplus energy from the solar panels will be sold back into the electrical grid at a rate of $0.80 per kWh.Anna Gainey, Executive Director of the Gainey Foundation says, “The Gainey Foundation is proud to be a part of the exceptional team that made this innovative project a reality. The Camp Kawartha Environmental Center is a place that Laura would have loved and is a perfect example of what our foundation was established to do. A sincere thanks to the people of Peterborough and the surrounding area for supporting the Gainey Foundation and making it possible for us to support this wonderful project.”"Trent University is proud to be a partner in the creation of the Camp Kawartha Environment Centre," says Trent president Dr. Steven E. Franklin. "Having a fully sustainable building on our campus further demonstrates Trent’s commitment to the environment and complements the wealth of environmental highlights on our campus. This exciting project provides new opportunities for all of the partners involved to offer unique learning experiences about sustainable development.""Students in the Sustainable Building Design and Construction program learned from their teachers who are experts on sustainability and innovation. Then, through their program, they have also ’built a teacher’ – a building that will help visitors learn for years to come," says Tony Tilly, president of Fleming College.Jacob Rodenburg, Executive Director of Camp Kawartha, says that the centre “will provide a measure hope for a greener future to our children. Often the only solution we offer to children in the face of ever larger global environmental issues is recycling.  Children are smart enough to know that, while recycling is wonderful, it is not itself nearly enough. The Camp Kawartha Environment Centre offers real life examples of how we all can live more gently and sustainably in our communities and that this choice is not a difficult one to make.”- 30 –