CFUW donation will create new scholarship

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CFUW donation will create new scholarship


CFUW donation will create new scholarship
Greg Mather, Executive Director of the Fleming College Foundation (left), and Dr. Tony Tilly, President of Fleming College, accept a cheque for $1,500 from Vivian Heinmiller, of the CFUW, Peterborough Chapter.

The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Peterborough Club today donated $1,500 to the Fleming College Foundation to create an endowed scholarship at the college.With the addition of today’s donation, the CFUW has donated $7700 to establish the CFUW 75th Anniversary Endowed Bursary, designated for a single mother demonstrating financial need in order to complete her studies at Fleming.Today’s donation was presented by Vivian Heinmiller, Awards Fund Chairperson for the Peterborough Chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women.  Dr. Tony Tilly, President of Fleming College, and Greg Mather, Executive Director of The Fleming College Foundation, accepted the donationThe Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS) has matched the generous donation from the CFUW, bringing the total for this student bursary to over $15,383. The first bursary will be available for students in the fall of 2008.The Government of Ontario established the OTSS in November 2005 to encourage companies and individuals to contribute to permanent endowment funds to provide financial assistance for Ontario’s college and university students.Through the OTSS program, the government is making $50 million available every year to match private and corporate cash donations used by colleges and universities to establish endowment funds. The investment income generated by these funds supports the annual bursaries and scholarships awarded to students in financial need.The CFUW Peterborough Club, founded in 1937, is a member of the Canadian Federation of University Women. CFUW was established in 1919 to protect and improve the economic, legal and professional status of women. CFUW now represents over 10,000 members in 125 clubs across Canada.     – 30 -For more information: Leona DeCarlo, Events/Public Relations Officer, Fleming College Foundation at 749-5530 ext. 1204 or