College Update: Plans for Winter Semester 2022

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College Update: Plans for Winter Semester 2022


Academic planning for the Winter semester continues to evolve. On December 17, the college announced a delay to the start of the semester to January 17, with the first two weeks of all classes being delivered online.

As the Omicron variant continues to spread, we are adjusting plans for the remainder of the Winter semester to limit the number of students and staff on campus. While we had hoped for an increase in on-campus classes this semester, it is prudent to continue much as we had in the fall with only necessary, hands-on classes on campus.

Beginning January 31, program delivery will be a mix of online, on-campus, and hybrid classes.

Specific details about programs can be found on the Program Delivery information page. On this page you can find information related to programs, including specific details about on-campus requirements for classes and the first day students will need to be on campus. Further details about labs, seminars and other activities related to programs will be communicated to students from the Dean, Chair or Program Coordinator.

In announcing these changes to the full semester at this time, we want to provide students with as much certainty as we can. We will not make further changes unless mandated by public health regulations or provincial legislation.

Student Services

Student services will continue to be delivered remotely throughout the Winter semester, with some on-campus supports beginning January 31. A detailed list of available services will be posted on our website by Monday, January 17.

Students in Fleming Residences

Students scheduled to move into Fleming residences can continue with their plans. Safety protocols will remain in place including limited capacity, distancing and masking requirements.

Coming to Campus

Only students with scheduled in-person learning should be coming to campus. Students coming on to campus are required to be fully vaccinated, meaning two doses minimum, with a booster highly recommended. Students will continue to do pre-screening through the Fleming Safe app and must have an approved Fleming Safe app passport. Please be sure to upload your vaccination certificates and submit your information to receive your One Card if you have not already done so. Masks must be worn at all times while on campus.

Do not come to campus if you are showing any signs of illness

We recognize that this will impact plans for some students. We are in the difficult position of balancing the safety of our students and staff with the changing landscape of the pandemic. We are here to support you. If you have any questions, please email