CSI Peterborough – Looking for an Exciting Tech Career in an Expanding Industry?

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CSI Peterborough – Looking for an Exciting Tech Career in an Expanding Industry?


Take a look at our Computer and Security Investigations (CSI) program. Computer security is no longer a concern restricted to corporations and government – issues of cyber crime are a part of daily life. Fraud, identity theft, hacking and destroying the computer infrastructure of business and government are all criminal acts and computers are the tools of crime.Our Computer Security and Investigations program is unique in Ontario. The three-year diploma program is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills to take a leadership role in the protection and security of information technology. The final, sixth semester of the program is a project completed with real-world clients where students work in partnership with business, industry, a law enforcement agency or government. Career opportunities include: Information Technology Security Analyst Computer Security Consultant nvestigator Network Security Specialist Computer Forensics ExaminerSee the program page for more information.