Entrepreneur receives Alumnus of Distinction honour

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Entrepreneur receives Alumnus of Distinction honour



Fleming College is pleased to announce Bob Jameson, an Electro-Mechanical Engineering—Robotics graduate from the Class of 1982, as the recipient of the 2016 Alumnus of Distinction Award. This prestigious honour is awarded annually to an alumnus who exemplifies remarkable career success and professional achievement.

Jameson is the owner of Canadian Instrumentation Services Group (CISG) in Peterborough, Ontario. His career highlights include engineering the largest hydro generator in Canada and the largest water volume pump storage unit in the United States. His company was also the first in Canada to achieve ISO/IEC 17025-2005 accreditation.

In 2006, Jameson won the Global Traders Regional Bronze award from the McGuinty government in honour of outstanding export achievement. In 2013, Jameson was among five Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) members to first receive the OACETT Fellow Designation—the highest honour that OACETT grants its certified members for significant achievement or contribution in engineering technology. In 2015, he was an Ontario Colleges Premier’s Award—Technology nominee for outstanding college graduates.

As an avid volunteer, Jameson serves as a Board of Trustee with the Five Counties Children’s Centre Foundation and was a member Fleming College’s $1 million Kawartha Trades and Technology Campaign Cabinet that raised more $1,823,603 in support of infrastructure, capital equipment and student financial assistance from 2012 to 2014.

Fleming College President Dr. Tony Tilly will present the 2016 Alumnus of Distinction Award to Jameson during the School of Trades and Technology convocation ceremony at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 in Peterborough, Ontario.

The community is invited to watch the award presentation live online at www.flemingcollege.ca/convocation/live-stream.

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For more information:                

Laura Copeland, Communications Officer, 705-749-5530 x 1370 or laura.copeland@flemingcollege.ca

Paula Walton, Alumni Officer, 705-749-5530 x1390 or paula.walton@flemingcollege.ca