Experiential learning on display at annual Community Innovation Forum

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Experiential learning on display at annual Community Innovation Forum


Event panel at student showcase to feature recent graduates discussing successes and challenges of entrepreneurship

The Community Innovation Forum: Working Today for a Better Tomorrow (CIF) is back for the sixth year, showcasing Trent University and Fleming College students’ experiential and community-based learning projects at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club on Thursday, April 7, 2016 between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Throughout the academic year, Trent and Fleming students have worked with local businesses and non-profit organizations to find innovative solutions to a business-related problem or community research question. The students gain academic credit, and on-the-job experience by undertaking supervised research and other types of work. At the same time, project results provide new information, deepen understanding, answer questions, contribute to planning and provide the groundwork for further action in our local communities.

“Experiential learning and community-based research gives students the opportunity to see the impact their work can have on an organization, and on the community. Facilitated by the Trent Community Research Centre, Trent students provide research services often out of reach of their hosts, due to limited resources or funding. These projects highlight that critical thinking and problem solving are necessary tools in all sectors, and provide an chance for students to develop research skills in a community setting,” said Dr. John Marris, executive director of the Trent Community Research Centre. “The forum showcase is the annual celebration of this work, and a chance for community members to interact directly with our students.”

“Fleming students undertake projects that give them exposure to a wide range of workplace experiences in public, private and non-profit organizations. Students in the technology and business programs use the skills learned in the classroom to drive innovative solutions in wireless technology, computer-related design, business planning and problem solving in a real-world setting,” said Raymond Yip Choy, coordinator of the International Business Management and Project Management programs at Fleming College. “Applied projects help to prepare students to be high performers in their careers and stimulate their entrepreneurial spirit. Their participation in CIF lets them showcase their accomplishments, gain confidence and build their network.”

The expert panel, a highlight of CIF, features new entrepreneur-alumni from both Trent and Fleming, discussing their early business successes, challenges, and their tips for others thinking of striking out on their own. The 2:00 p.m. panel features Trent alumni Sana Virji & Ribat Chowdhury, founders of ribbet; D’Arcy Hutton, founder of Jumping Mouse Nature Education; and Fleming alumna Lindsay Brock, founder of Amusé Coffee Co. The panel will be moderated by Sandra Dueck, policy analyst with the Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce.

At this year’s showcase, 59 community-based education and applied learning projects will be eligible for awards based on their innovation, research design, community impact, academic achievement, and presentation. Projects from Fleming focus on marketing, international trade, computer engineering technology and wireless information networking. Trent projects represent a variety of disciplines, including Sociology, Biology, Business Administration, Geography, Environmental Studies, Forensic Science, International Development Studies and Sustainable Agriculture.

CIF is hosted in partnership by Trent University, Fleming College, the Trent Community Research Centre and the Greater Peterborough Innovation Cluster, and is sponsored by Bell. Additional event sponsors include: the Workforce Development Board, Peterborough Dialogues/Axiom News, FastStart and the Trent University Print Shop.

Admission to the CIF event is free and the community is encouraged to attend. For more information or to pre-register, please visit www.communityinnovation.ca.

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For more information contact:

Laura Copeland, communications officer, Fleming College, (705) 749-5530 x 1370 or laura.copeland@flemingcollege.ca or;


Kate Weersink, media relations & strategic communications officer, Trent University, (705) 748-1011 x6180 or kateweersink@trentu.ca