Fleming College contributes expertise to well construction industry

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Fleming College contributes expertise to well construction industry


In keeping with Ontario’s aim to protect the province’s drinking water and with funding provided by the Ministry of the Environment, Fleming College has begun work on two Industry Best Management Practices manuals for the well construction industry in Ontario.The two guides, one for the water well industry and a second guide for the geotechnical and environmental industries, will help ensure the understanding of and compliance with Regulation 903 under the Ontario Water Resources Act. Legal requirements and recommended best practices will both be included in the manuals.Fleming’s Department of Continuing Education along with faculty from the Resources Drilling and Blasting program at the Frost Campus will consult extensively with government, industry, professional and industry associations, and a variety of stakeholders to develop the manuals over the next several months. The guides will assist Ontario’s licensed contractors and all five classes of licensed well technicians in their role to protect Ontario’s groundwater, as they carry out their day to day work.