Fleming Launches New Certificate in International Business Management

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Fleming Launches New Certificate in International Business Management


 A new International Business Management post-graduate certificate program, starting this January at Fleming College, offers an opportunity for learners to acquire the management skills and knowledge to work in an expanding global economy. The program adds an international skill set for graduates from a variety of business and related programs.

The length of the program is one year (37 weeks) and incorporates applied project work, intense two week courses and international case studies. An applied project with an international business partner culminates the program and will help students to establish valuable business relationships that may lead to successful career opportunities. The program is designed for college and university graduates, international and domestic, who wish to obtain specific management training and experience to work in businesses that promote international alliances and trade.

International students who are seeking higher education in business programs in Canadian colleges will find this program well-suited for their goals of working in a global economy in a variety of national and international settings.

Workers currently employed in industry that desire an additional skill set in the area of international business management will find this program relevant for their career goals.

Globalization is an integral part of the business environment and its importance is growing each year. Whether it is here in Canada or across the world in countries like India and China, an understanding of the international marketplace is critical for reward and prosperity in business.

To register for this program, visit the Fleming College website at http://flemingcollege.ca/programs/international-business-management or call 1-866-353-6464.

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For more information:                 
Paula Walton, Communications Officer, (705) 749-5530 x 1370 or paulaw@flemingc.on.ca