Fleming College to host Welcome Days

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Fleming College to host Welcome Days


Peterborough ON – (July 9, 2015) – Fleming College will open its doors to new students next week for Welcome Days. The college hosts the event to welcome new students and help them feel connected prior to September.

The Sutherland Campus in Peterborough will welcome new students on July 13, 15 and 17, and the Frost Campus in Lindsay will host the event on July 13 and 17. The event offers students the opportunity to get their Student Photo ID, buy their meal plan, rent a locker, arrange parking, and learn about college services before they start school.

“Students who are well informed and already connected to campus are better prepared for their college experience. Welcome Days provide the opportunity, prior to the start of the semester, to meet staff and student leaders, and to learn about services, supports, and ways to get involved. All of these components contribute to student success,” says Greg Jefford, Manager, Student Life at Fleming College.

Information sessions will be held at the event for students and their families. Sessions include: Student Life at Fleming, Just for Parents, and the Co-Curricular Record at Fleming. Campus, residence and Peterborough Sport and Wellness tours will also be available.

Welcome Days visitors are encouraged to register online at http://flemingcollege.ca/welcome-days.