Fleming College to participate in State Visit to India

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Fleming College to participate in State Visit to India



Dr. Brent Wootton

Brent Wootton, Director of the Centre for Alternative Wastewater Treatment (CAWT) at Fleming College, will be participating in the State visit to India by Their Excellencies the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, and Mrs. Sharon Johnston from February 22 to March 2, 2014.  

The Governor General will be joined by parliamentarians and an accompanying delegation of Canadians who will enhance business, academic, cultural and people-to-people ties with their Indian counterparts.


“Sharon and I are looking forward to our State visit to India, which will be centred on the themes of innovation, entrepreneurship and education, with a special focus on the contributions of women and girls,” David Johnston stated in a news release.

“This visit is a reflection of the importance Canada attaches to its relationship with India. Both of our countries are committed to strengthening our partnership and co-operation. The Canada-India economic relationship is strong and holds tremendous potential for broader and expanded collaboration. During our time spent in New Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai, we will meet with government officials, representatives from the business and education sectors, and those from non-governmental organizations with the aim of advancing our economic, academic and cultural ties with our Indian counterparts.”

Fleming College leads the Canada-India Water Training Consortium (C-IWTC) which includes Centennial College, Confederation College, Northern College, and the Ontario Clean Water Agency. The C-IWTC is partnering with ReserWater Innovation Foundation and numerous Indian colleges, government agencies, and other partners to provide training and skills development in the water sector in India.

During the State visit the Governor General will discuss the importance of skills development in further building connections between Canadian and Indian institutions during panel discussions, and participate in a Canada-India discussion on innovation and other meetings with the heads of various educational institutions to exchange views on skills development and the future of education in India.

Members of the public can follow the Governor General’s State visit to the Republic of India online at www.gg.ca, where speeches, photos and videos will be posted. 

 About the Centre for Alternative Wastewater Treatment
The Centre for Alternative Wastewater Treatment (CAWT) specializes in applied research on alternative, innovative and emerging water and wastewater technologies. The facility, located at Fleming College’s Frost Campus in Lindsay, Ontario, is currently collaborating with more than 50 Canadian companies, 14 universities and numerous government departments on research and development, commercialization, demonstration, and technology verification projects.

About Fleming College
Located in the heart of Central Ontario, Fleming College has campus locations in Peterborough, Lindsay, Cobourg and Haliburton. Named for famous Canadian inventor and engineer Sir Sandford Fleming, the college features more than 100 full-time programs in Arts and Heritage, Community Development and Health, Continuing Education, Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, General Arts and Science, Justice and Business, and Skilled Trades and Technology. Fleming College has more than 5,900 full-time and 10,000 part-time students, and more than 65,000 alumni.


For more information
Laura Copeland, Communications Officer at laura.copeland@flemingcollege.ca or 705.749.5530 x 1370