Fleming College will help launch the first Ontario Time Bank

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Fleming College will help launch the first Ontario Time Bank


Fleming College will host a ribbon cutting ceremony with Toward Balance Support Network on April 12, 2012, to launch the first Ontario Time Bank. The event will run from noon to 1 p.m. in room 252 of the Frost campus.

The Time Bank is a system that credits people for volunteering their time. When an individual volunteers for one hour, (s)he can “bank” that hour in the Time Bank and redeem that credit to receive volunteer services from someone else.

“A person volunteering in the local community gardens, for the local soccer program or any other volunteer activity, may bank the hours donated and redeem them for any service that is available in the time bank,” said Frank Smith, vice-president of Toward Balance Support Network. “The Time Bank also serves those who have, through age or infirmity, slipped away from the community and now feel as though they have no value. The Time Bank says that everyone has a role to play in a healthy community.”

The Time Bank project was awarded funding from Fleming College and The Community Links Centre for Community-Based Projects and Social Mapping (C-Links). C-Links is an organization that facilitates community-academic relationships through community-based education and community service-learning.


For more information: Leigh McEachran, Communications Officer, 705-749-5530 x 1370 or leighm@flemingc.on.ca