Fleming Community Helps Ukraine

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Fleming Community Helps Ukraine


Fleming College faculty member Vic Waselenko is the perfect example of how we value our community locally and beyond, recently raising $17,421.50 to support the people of Ukraine.

On March 26, Vic teamed up with Hybrid Sports Facility (1575 Chemong Rd.), offering 50% off soccer equipment with all proceeds going to humanitarian aid. With help from the Peterborough community, Vic surpassed his initial goal of $10,000.

With the money raised, Vic kick-started a donation page via the Red Cross, called PeterboroughHelpsUkraine in an effort to meet urgent needs across the country.

The support could include preparedness, immediate and ongoing relief efforts, long-term recovery, resiliency, and other critical humanitarian activities as needs arise, both in Ukraine and surrounding countries, including supporting populations displaced.

Fleming College’s mission is aimed at building better lives, better communities and a better world. Supporting PeterbroughHelpsUkraine is an important way to be true partners in our community and beyond and gives us the ability to make a positive impact and change the lives of families and individuals who need our support.

To donate, please visit PeterboroughHelpsUkraine.