Fleming hosts College Information Program

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Fleming hosts College Information Program


Fleming College welcomed hundreds of secondary school students as part of the College Information Program (CIP) hosted at the Sutherland Campus on Thursday, November 1.About 1,200 senior secondary students, guidance counsellors and teachers from local high schools attended the event to find out more about the many options colleges have to offer.CIP allows secondary school students, who will be completing their applications for postsecondary education choices in the next month, the opportunity to explore the educational and student life opportunities available at Fleming and other Ontario colleges.Fleming’s academic schools and campuses were on display in the main foyer while the 20-plus visiting colleges had booths throughout the Technology Wing and Galleria. A construction skills demonstration was offered in the main foyer and the Law, Justice & Community Services faculty piloted a focused program with three interactive activities for students with an interest in law and justice studies.  Visitors took tours of the campus and residences and learned about Fleming’s student services such as financial aid, bursaries and scholarships, and learning supports. Students also had the opportunity to explore sports and recreation at Fleming and to discuss their academic options with faculty representatives in Fleming’s academic schools.CIP is a six-week initiative offered by Ontario Colleges. College representatives travel throughout Ontario to ensure senior secondary school students, their parents, teachers, and guidance counsellors have the opportunity to meet college representatives to explore the more than 900 programs offered across the Ontario college system.