Fleming Knights to host high performance summer camps in partnership with the Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre

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Fleming Knights to host high performance summer camps in partnership with the Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre



An excellent opportunity for youth athletes looking to improve their competitive edge through further developing their skills all while having fun with peers.

Peterborough, ON May 22, 2018– Fleming Knights, in partnership with the Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre, will host high performance summer camps for youth athletes who play soccer and basketball.

Instruction is provided by Knights coaching staff and players with a focus on developing physical literacy, confidence, competence, and sportsmanship.

These high performance camps are geared towards experienced athletes who have already developed intermediate to advanced skills through participation within competitive organized sport. The camps are constructed to take their game to the next level: improving physical literacy, confidence, competence, and sportsmanship through various drills and training.

The camps are conducted by the Knights Athletics Department, which consists of alumni, varsity coaches, players, and trainers who can share their wealth of knowledge and who will provide a unique curriculum for athletes that will prepare them with the knowledge and skills needed for team tryouts, and personal success at a high level of sport – within a fun, safe, and intense learning environment.

High performance soccer camp will run August 13 – 17 for ages 10 to 15.

High performance basketball camp will run July 16 – 20 for ages 10 to 12 and July 23 – 27 for ages 13 – 15.

To register for the Fleming Knights high performance summer camps visit the front desk at the Peterborough Sport & Wellness Centre, or online at: http://www.peterborough.ca/Living/Recreation/PSWC/About/Registration.htm.

“It’s great to be in our second year of our partnership with the Peterborough Sports & Wellness Centre. We want to continue to provide the highest quality sports youth programming on recreational and competitive levels. We know the importance of having our varsity coaches and players part of these youth programs,” said Josh Williams, Summer Program Coordinator for Fleming College Athletics and Recreation. “Our varsity coaches and players will be taking on a bigger role in developing and facilitating our High Performance Camps, as we want to encourage community involvement; provide learning opportunities for our participants, varsity staff, students and volunteers alike.”

Further information is available at www.flemingknights.ca or email sportsinfo@flemingcollege.ca.
