Fleming Night with the Peterborough Petes

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Fleming Night with the Peterborough Petes



Celebrating Fleming College Alumni ‘Everyday Heroes’ in our Community


Fleming College alumni are invited to attend FLEMING NIGHT with the Peterborough Petes on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. at the Peterborough Memorial Centre.


The Peterborough Petes, in partnership with Fleming College, will dedicate their game in appreciation of Fleming students, staff, faculty and Alumni. The Petes will face off against the Belleville Bulls.

Fleming Alumni will participate in activities including a ceremonial puck drop, an intermission challenge, and draw prizes, and shout-outs to alumni will be broadcast throughout the game.  Alumni are welcome to visit the Alumni Kiosk set up in the main lobby of the Peterborough Memorial Centre and enter a draw for Fleming prizes.

Tickets are discounted for Fleming College students, staff and alumni to $10 and can be purchased at the Sutherland or Frost Campus bookstores. Regular ticket prices are in effect when purchased at the Memorial Centre box office. Buy your tickets today, they are going fast.

Fleming College Alumni Night with the Peterborough Petes is proudly sponsored by Hicks Morley Human Resources Law and Advocacy.

For more information, please contact the Advancement and Alumni Relations Office at 705-749-5530 ext. 1390 or e-mail alumni@flemingcollege.ca.


Fleming College Advancement and Alumni Relations is proud to serve more than 65,000 graduates of over 100 full-time academic programs. Alumni benefits and services include career counselling, locator services, awards and recognition, special events, online and print publications. Visit www.flemingcollege.ca/alumni-relations.



For more information:    Paula Walton, Alumni Officer, 705-749-5530 x 1390, paula.walton@flemingcollege.ca


Laura Copeland, Communications Officer, 705-749-5530 x1370, laura.copeland@flemingcollege.ca