Fleming Serves: students volunteer in the community

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Fleming Serves: students volunteer in the community


Fleming students served up 350 hours of volunteer time during the second annual Fleming Serves for the United Way Day of Caring on Sept. 21.

Forty-five students from the Sutherland Campus spread out across Peterborough to volunteer with four member agencies – the MS Society of Peterborough, the New Canadians Centre, the Youth Emergency Shelter and PARN/Pride Parade.

The Student Life Department at Fleming extends a warm thanks to the Peterborough and District United Way, as well as their member agencies, which provided this opportunity for Fleming students to contribute to the health, growth and development of the community.

The ‘Fleming Serves’ philosophy is part of the college’s strategic plan to build community success, and provide business and community service learning opportunities to students.

Located in the heart of Central Ontario, Fleming College has campus locations in Peterborough, Lindsay, Cobourg and Haliburton. Named for famous Canadian inventor and engineer Sir Sandford Fleming, the college features more than 100 full-time programs in Community Development and Health, Continuing Education, Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Justice and Business, Skilled Trades and Technology, General Arts and Science and Visual Arts. Fleming College has more than 5,900 full-time and 10,000 part-time students, and more than 65,000 alumni.

For more information

Laura Copeland, Communications Officer at laura.copeland@flemingcollege.ca or 705.749.5530 x 1370