Fleming Serves – United Way Day of Caring

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Fleming Serves – United Way Day of Caring


Fleming College students participated in the third annual Fleming Serves United Way Day of Caring on Saturday, Sept. 20. The day was a wonderful success, with students contributing over 250 hours of volunteer time for local non-profit agencies.

Students from the Sutherland Campus spread out across Peterborough to volunteer with agencies – Youth Emergency Shelter, Christian Horizons, New Canadians Centre, BIKE Community Bike Shop, and PARN/Pride parade.

The Student Life Department at Fleming extends warm thanks to the Peterborough and District United Way, as well as their member agencies, who provided the opportunity for Fleming students to contribute to the health, growth and development of the community.

The ‘Fleming Serves’ philosophy is part of the college’s strategic plan to build community success, and provide business and community service learning opportunities to students.