Fleming supports the O’de Piitaanemaan Pledge

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Fleming supports the O’de Piitaanemaan Pledge


Today is the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and the focus this year is Leaving no one behind: Indigenous Peoples and the call for a new social contract. It is in that spirit that Fleming supports the Indigenous-centred O’de Piitaanemaan Pledge.

As vaccination rates progress steadily and restrictions on businesses and services begin to lift across the province, people are using the opportunity to travel again and visit popular destinations in Ontario.

With more people exploring our region, Peterborough & the Kawarthas Tourism has launched the O’de Piitaanemaan Pledge (pronounced: Oh-da Pee-tah-na-mawn). O’de Piitaanemaan is the Ojibway word for respect, and the pledge is an invitation for residents and visitors to promise to respect the land, waterways and communities in the region.

The pledge draws on the traditional teachings of the Michi Saagiig Anishinaabeg, and it has been created in consultation with Curve Lake First Nation and Hiawatha First Nation. The First Nations communities believe that since everything is connected, everyone must do their part to protect life on earth.

The Fleming community wholeheartedly supports this call to be respectful stewards of our resources and communities. Students and staff are encouraged to learn more about our shared responsibility and sign the #OdePiitaanemaanPledge.

This message is sent on behalf of President Maureen Adamson and Liz Stone, Academic Chair, Indigenous Perspectives