Frost Campus offers Toddler Program

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Frost Campus offers Toddler Program


Come and experience a quality early childhood program with Fleming College’s Early Childhood Education students.Fleming College is pleased to offer openings for toddlers and parents/caregivers in the enjoyable and informative eight-week Toddler Program at the Frost Campus. Beginning January 28 toddlers aged 12 to 24 months can take part in fun, stimulating activities while parents and caregivers attend interesting workshops next door.  The program matches you and your toddler with a fourth semester student in the Early Childhood Education Program at the Frost Campus of Fleming College. Following a home visit, the student will oversee your toddler’s play and learning activities while you attend informative workshop sessions right next door. All program activities are organized and supervised by the early childhood education faculty at the college. The program takes place in room 180 of the Frost Campus, 200 Albert St. S. in Lindsay. The program runs from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. on Mondays from January 28 to March 24.The fee is $35 however subsidized spaces at a reduced rate are available. Enrolment is limited to 12 children on a first come-first serve basis. For more information or to register, call 705-324-9144 ext. 3220.