Information Bulletin: Ontario secondary school applicants to Fleming College

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Information Bulletin: Ontario secondary school applicants to Fleming College


Fleming College is closely monitoring the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) strike, and is continuing to work with students impacted by the labour disruption.

We appreciate that this remains an anxious time for applicants and their families affected by the work stoppages. We are committed to providing these applicants with support in applying to Fleming College as well as reassurance about the status of their offers of admission.

In programs where space remains available, Fleming College continues to accept all applicants who demonstrate that all program admissions requirements are currently complete or in progress. All applicants will be accepted regardless of mid-term grades – so long as all requirements are completed by the start of class.

Applications to oversubscribed (waitlisted) programs are similarly being considered. Applicants are being placed on the waitlist in sequence, effective the date their qualifications for their program of interest are confirmed – regardless of mid-term grades. Should space in these programs become available, we will continue to extend offers of admission, in sequence, to applicants on the waitlist.

We also wish to welcome all students who have confirmed their acceptance for September. We would like to reassure you that your offer remains secure so long as any conditions associated with your offer are completed prior to the start of class. In the coming weeks, you will receive further information from Fleming about next steps in terms of fee payment, orientation and registration.

To those students with open offers of admission to the college, we hope this information provides added assurance as the work stoppage continues.

We continue to work closely with our colleagues at colleges and universities across the province and the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) to ensure consistent and effective service to affected applicants, and to ensure that contingencies are in place should labour disruptions continue into the summer months.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and will update information on our website as events evolve. OCAS will also continue to provide updates at We encourage you to stay connected with your local school as well.

In the interim, do not hesitate to contact our Admissions Office at:
(705) 749-5514
1-866-353-6464 ext 1514 (toll-free)