Information Update | Fleming College putting additional measures in place to maintain the health and safety of our community – March 15, 2020

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Information Update | Fleming College putting additional measures in place to maintain the health and safety of our community – March 15, 2020


This Message is sent on behalf of President Maureen Adamson

Peterborough ON – (March 15, 2020) – Over the weekend, the COVID-19 situation has evolved rapidly and our Response Team is monitoring the changes closely. As a result of recent developments, I am writing to provide an important update regarding Fleming’s response. We are putting the following measures in place to maintain the health and safety of our Fleming College community.

  • On-site classes are suspended. There will be no in-person classes held on any Fleming campuses for the remainder of the Winter semester.
  • Online and alternate delivery of courses will begin Monday, March 23. Please note that this has changed from our original announcement to allow more time to prepare for online and alternate delivery of courses.
  • Students are not expected to return to campus for the remainder of the semester. The semester will be completed through online and alternate delivery. Students will receive program information from their faculty by Friday, March 20. Plans to address final exams, projects and assignments are being prepared and information will be shared in the coming days.
  • We recognize that there will be challenges in delivering some courses in alternative formats. We will make every effort to complete the semester as best we can, knowing that there will be some exceptional circumstances.
  • Student placements are suspended for the remainder of the semester. Students should contact their faculty if they have any questions.
  • Students in residence are encouraged to return home, however residence buildings will remain open. Assistance will be provided for those requiring alternative accommodation. Further communication will be sent to students who live in residence in the coming days.
  • College buildings will be closed with limited access to students and employees for the period from March 16 to April 3 unless otherwise notified. Students and employees will have limited access to the buildings from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and will be required to sign in and out starting March 17.
  • On Monday March 16, employees can access the building to pick up materials and technology to support their working from home.
  • All employees (except noted in the following) will be expected to work from home during the period from March 16 to April 3. There will be some employees identified to provide required services. Those employees will be contacted by their managers directly. Unless they have heard otherwise, employees should assume that their attendance on campus on Monday morning is not required and they should follow up with their manager to receive directions for the remainder of the week.
  • Managers are expected to be at work onsite on Monday, March 16 and throughout the closure period.
  • Due to these exceptional circumstances, all staff (full, partial load, part time and student employees including work study students) who would normally be scheduled to work during this period will receive pay consistent with their regular schedule. No one will suffer a loss of pay of their regular earnings as a result of limiting on-site work during this time period.
  • On-campus recreational facilities at the Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre and the Lindsay Recreation Complex are closed.
  • As per the Government of Canada travel advisory, anyone returning from any travel outside of Canada is required to self-isolate for 14 days and will not be allowed on campus.
  • Additional information for International students will be available on Monday, March 16.

We will post all updates on Questions can be directed to

I want to thank all students, parents, employees and community partners for their patience and understanding. We are in uncharted territory and our goal is to help stop the spread of COVID-19. I must say how impressed I have been by the response and support from our employees and partners as we rapidly develop our responses to this unprecedented health crisis and do the utmost to protect our communities.

Maureen Adamson
President, Fleming College