Journey to exciting culinary destinations at Feast of Foods

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Journey to exciting culinary destinations at Feast of Foods


Join the Haliburton Friends Network at Fleming College’s Haliburton School of The Arts on Saturday April 26, 2008 at 6 p.m. for the 11th Annual Feast of Foods.This year’s food journey will have you experiencing exciting culinary creations from across Europe in “EUROFEST” as our renowned Haliburton chefs create a tantalizing selection of appetizers, salads, hot and cold entrees and dessert specialties. Food samplings from Spain, France, Russia, Czechoslovakia, India and Morocco will be set up at our beautiful Haliburton Campus. The evening will feature spectacular silent and live auctions featuring the inspired works of Haliburton artists and Fleming College graduates. Making an appearance again this year will be our very popular Looney Auction.Tickets to this special production are $125 per person. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for a portion of the ticket price. There is only room for 112 guests and tickets sell-out quickly! All proceeds from this event will go to support bursaries, scholarships and special projects at the Haliburton campus. You will be sure to enjoy an unforgettable evening of marvellous food and celebration of our local chefs and artists. To reserve your tickets please contact Leona DeCarlo toll free at 1-866-353-6464 ext. 1204.