Loggersports at Fleming celebrates 25 years of competition

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Loggersports at Fleming celebrates 25 years of competition


Lindsay ON – Fleming College’s Frost Campus will be buzzing with the sounds of chain saws at the 25th annual Loggersports Competition on Saturday, November 3.Fleming’s competition, hosted annually since 1982, continues to be the largest event on the college tour. Two new colleges, from New Brunswick and Virginia, have registered for this year’s event bringing the expected number of colleges and universities to 16 with a total of 44 teams.Participating Canadian and U.S. teams include Algonquin College, Lakehead University, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, University of New Brunswick, University of West Virginia, SUNY – College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, Pennsylvania State and College Boreal.The competition will take place all day but main events will get underway around noon. Teams consist of six competitors who participate in the following events:• Team Events – Crosscut Saw, Log Decking, Pulp Throwing, Swede Saw• Doubles Events – Quarter Split, Standing Block Chop, Underhand Chop• Singles Events – Axe Throw, Chain Saw, Pole Climb, Single Buck, Super Swede Saw and Water Boil.The Canadian Intercollegiate Lumberjacking Association (CILA), which oversees Canadian college and university loggersport competitions, was formed with the purpose of providing a venue for all loggersports members to participate in a series of competitions. Teams have the opportunity to tally points over the season with the opportunity of becoming the CILA Champions.Fleming College first participated in loggersports in 1974. Since then Fleming has competed in many events at other colleges and universities. In addition to formal competitions, the Fleming Loggersports Team performs Lumberjack demonstrations across Ontario.