New safety training will help prepare local business for PHAI contracts

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New safety training will help prepare local business for PHAI contracts


PORT HOPE, ON – Local businesses will soon have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge base and safety skills in preparation for PHAI construction contracts.

As the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) ramps up, several major contracts will require a wide variety of construction and other expertise. To help prepare local business to participate, the Municipal Economic Development office has partnered with the Port Hope & District Chamber of Commerce and Fleming College to deliver a series of training programs to provide basic safety training so that employees will be ready to take on contract and/or sub-contract work with the PHAI.

The program covers seven topics over four full-day sessions with lunch included; all participants will receive a certificate of completion issued by Fleming College.

Session 1: October 6, 2014 – 8am – 4pm ($200 per person)
Basic Health & Safety – An introduction to Health & Safety basics, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the Ontario Health & Safety Act (OHSA), and how to establish and maintain a safe workplace.

Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS) – General knowledge of symbols, classification, MSDS sheets necessary for compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) in Ontario.

Session 2: Monday, October 20th 8am – 4pm ($200 per person)
Working at Heights – Important safety back-up procedures that will help minimize or eliminate injuries in the workplace.


Session 3 Monday, November 3rd 8am – 4pm ($200 per person)
Personal Protective Equipment – Important information on eye, hand, head, foot, hearing and respiratory protection in the workplace.

Confined Space Awareness – Focusing on the dangers associated with entering/working within confined spaces; the responsibilities of managers, supervisors, workers and contractors; and the procedures, such as permits and rescue procedures when working in confined spaces.

Traffic Control and Hazardous Awareness – key information on how to ensure your workplace complies with legislation.

Session 4 Thursday, November 13th 8am – 4pm ($350 per person)
Competent Supervisor – As of July 1, 2014 employers must ensure that all supervisors are deemed “competent” and hold the knowledge, training, and experience to handle the requirements of the Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA). This full day program will cover the OHSA, and the duties of a competent supervisor or manager, providing the skills and knowledge needed to be compliant.


Local businesses have expressed interest in being involved in PHAI contracts and wanted to know how they could prepare themselves. Through discussions with PHAI staff, local industry, and some of the companies that are looking to bid on these contracts, a comprehensive list of basic skills and knowledge was developed and courses were designed to help position local business to bid on contracts or to be hired as subcontractors.

The first round of sessions covers basic requirements and based on initial feedback, there is opportunity to offer additional courses or repeat some of the initial classes based on the specific needs of local business.

Registration forms are available at For more information contact Bree Nixon at the Chamber of Commerce at 905-885-5519 or


Judy Selvig, Director of Economic Development and Tourism
“Our businesses recognize the tremendous opportunity the PHAI brings and want to be prepared to participate. We work closely with the Chamber to support our local business and have a strong relationship with Fleming; this program is another great opportunity to leverage our partnerships and offer some very valuable resources to our community.”

Bree Nixon, Manager – Port Hope Chamber of Commerce
“The Chamber is excited to be involved in this venture in partnership with the Municipality and Fleming College. The program will assist individuals to increase their employability with upgraded skills and help create a well-prepared, trained local workforce that will benefit local businesses and the community.”

Deborah Clifford, Manager of Corporate Training – Fleming College
“ Building successful businesses takes a committed investment of time, energy and talent. Fleming College is pleased to help make that happen with timely and relevant training programs delivered locally.”


For more information contact:

Judy Selvig
Director of Economic Development &  Tourism
905.885.2431 ext. 2503


Sandra Weeks
Communications Coordinator