Peterborough EMS Donates Ambulance

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Peterborough EMS Donates Ambulance


Peterborough EMS Donates Ambulance

The Paramedic program at the Sutherland Campus received a new learning tool this month – a decommissioned ambulance.Peterborough Emergency Medical Services (PEMS) donated the ambulance to assist students in the program with driving skills and practicing real-life scenarios.Within the Paramedic program, there is an Ambulance Operations and Driving course, which prepares students to obtain their F license.The course involves advanced driving skills such as skidding, obstacle avoidance, emergency braking, and steering skills."Now they will have the proper vehicle to look at and use," said John Fader, Coordinator of the Paramedic program.PEMS has donated other equipment to the program in the past. However, Mr. Fader says he has been working with PEMS for a few years to acquire the ambulance.New PEMS Director Bob English helped the process along when he started in his position earlier this year. Mr. English donated "a lot" of equipment to Fleming’s Paramedic program in his former role as the Haliburton EMS manager, said Mr. Fader.