School of Trades & Technology seeking partners for applied projects

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School of Trades & Technology seeking partners for applied projects


To be successful in their studies, students in Computer Engineering and Wireless Networking are required to complete an applied project or a field placement with the objective of gaining real-life, hands-on experience in their field.

The School of Trades and Technology is currently seeking employers who could partner with either a student or student team to sponsor an applied project.

The employer specifies the scope of work to be carried out – whether it is the development of a new product or coming up with a solution to a technical problem. The student or student team then works a full-term to meet this challenge – at no salary cost to the employer.

Sponsoring a student or student team can add value to an organization’s products and/or services, and provide an excellent learning experience for Fleming students. This academic term, we have students ready to apply their skills in the areas of computer technology, information systems, wireless networks, programmable devices, instrumentation, and electronics.

Our students can work with your organization in two different ways:

– Applied Projects: A group of one to three students work as an autonomous project team to develop a product or technical solution that meets specific requirements of their sponsor.

– Field Placement: Student(s) work under direct supervision by the sponsor or their staff, performing job functions and responsibilities relevant to the student(s) course of studies.

For more information, please see:

Interested organizations are invited to submit a Request For Proposal (RFP). Our faculty will prepare an information sheet about your needs for prospective students’ to review.

To submit a Request for Proposal, please see:

If you have further questions, please contact Noel Briones at 705-749-5530 ext. 1222 or