Skills Work! For Women – Career Exploration Event

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Skills Work! For Women – Career Exploration Event



On Thursday, Oct. 29, 150 female students in grades 9-12 from Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, Trillium Lakelands District School Board, and PVNCCDSB will be exploring a future career in the skilled trades in Peterborough.

These young women will have the opportunity to meet local mentors and learn more about their career paths.

With support from Fleming College and Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, local mentors from across the skilled trades and technologies industries are participating at this event, from fields such as construction, hairstyling, welding, and more.

The event seeks to demonstrate that skilled trades and technologies are accessible, interesting and fun for young women. When young women are encouraged to explore all their career choices and pursue their passions, our future workforce and province succeeds.

“Today, women are still underrepresented in the skilled trades and technologies but these are excellent careers for women to support themselves,” says Nicola Macdonald, Young Women’s Initiatives Coordinator at Skills Ontario. “Young women need to know that the trades and technologies offer many opportunities that can lead to bright, stable and successful futures.”

The event runs from 9:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. in the Kawartha Trades and Technology Centre.
Planned events include a Balloon Powered Car Challenge, activity rotations, tour of college, and a Skilled Trades and Technology Relay Race

Quick Facts:

• This event in Peterborough has more than doubled in size since last year; from 46 participants to 150.
• Women comprise only 3% of the skilled trade workforce in Canada.
• Skills Ontario Young Women’s Initiatives reached over 2,000 participants in 2014-15.

About Skills Ontario

Skills Ontario is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the skilled trades and technologies as viable first-choice career options for Ontario youth. Throughout the year, we promote the skilled trades and technologies through our in-school presentations, the Ontario Technological Skills Competition (OTSC), Cardboard Boat Race Competitions, Women’s Career Exploration Events and Conferences and our Aboriginal Initiatives. Event connects young women with tradeswomen to explore career opportunities and build networks