Souper Bowl nets $1,600 for the United Way

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Souper Bowl nets $1,600 for the United Way


Staff and students at the Cobourg Campus raised $1,659 for the Northumberland United Way at the annual Souper Bowl lunch, held November 10.

With 27 soups and chilis donated by the campus community, it was “by far” the biggest Souper Bowl to date, said event organizer Karen Foster.

Patrons purchased lunch for $7 and received a bowl of soup or chilli, a fresh bun (donated by Dutch Oven Catering in Cobourg), and a bottle of water (donated by Chartwells). The Railside Restaurant in Port Hope also donated soups to the event.

It was the first year the campus had partnered with Community Living Northumberland and the Help Centre. This resulted in an expanded bake sale – cookies, tarts and bars took over the main entrance to the campus.

A spa package, donated by the Esthetician program, was raffled off as well.

The event requires quite a bit of planning and thanks go to the campus planning team – Pat Sheldrick, Deborah Clifford, Beth Bellaire and Tracy Partridge as well as Ann Moring from  Community Living, Carolyn Dalgarno from the Help Centre and Beej McNamara from the Northumberland United Way.

Thanks too go to the staff members (and former staff members) who helped out behind the scenes and to the students who set up, tore down and sold tickets and baked goods.

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