The Fleming Applied Agency: moving client business ahead

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The Fleming Applied Agency: moving client business ahead


The Fleming Applied Agency, the college’s newly branded integrated marketing communications agency – formerly known as the Marketing Applied Projects course – has aggressively taken on and is successfully meeting the challenges of its real-world clients. According to clients, the Agency Group Partners (Fleming students) are more than living up to the promise made in the Agency’s branding slogan “More Energy + Brighter Minds = Better Marketing Solutions.” As Agency Partners in The Fleming Applied Agency, students are expected to develop and manage client projects using industry-accepted standards. The goal is not just to test applications of past classroom learning; Fleming wants to give its Marketing graduates a significant competitive edge when they begin their career. Tony Macdonald, Professor for Marketing Applied Projects and President of The Fleming Applied Agency stated: “Our students will have actual relevant experience that can credibly appear on a resume and importantly, real-world skills that will help them accelerate quickly through the learning curve when they are on the job.” The Fleming Applied Agency currently has four high profile client projects managed by Agency Teams. These will be completed by newly-assigned Group Partners in the winter 2008 semester. One of those clients, the St. Joseph’s Care Foundation, will launch its communications position, created by an Agency Group via a targeted media and direct marketing initiative.“ It’s a combination of the Agency Partners enthusiasm, application of their strategic planning and creative skills as well as their adherence to project management practices that have worked so well,” says Tracey Gainsforth, Executive Director of The St. Joseph’s Care Foundation. Supported by their primary research among customers, accessed in-store and on-line, one Agency Group is developing an annual promotional plan for Eastern Canada’s 2005 Retailer of the Year, Lockside Trading, located in Young’s Point. Another group has developed a unique loyalty program for Stony Lake’s Pine Vista Resort that will generate room sales among current customers during the off-season. The work of The Fleming Applied Agency group will leave its mark on the college in 2008. An aggressive two-part, brand-oriented marketing campaign will be executed to promote trial and continued consumption of drinking water generated from new, state-of-the art reverse osmosis systems on the Sutherland Campus.“ The college must reduce the number of commercially manufactured plastic water bottles that are discarded on campus. These have become a major environmental problem everywhere. In order to change the plastic water bottle habit we have to ensure our municipally supplied drinking water matches or exceeds the taste quality of bottled water. That’s what the qualitative research performed by our Fleming Applied Agency group has told us,” said Agency client contact, Barbara Cameron, Vice President, Finance and Facilities. This initiative targeting commercial water bottle reduction, which will be brought to life by The Fleming Applied Agency’s brand-oriented marketing program, is believed to be the first ever implemented on any Canadian college or university campus. For the winter 2008 semester, marketing students in the second semester of their second year and those in third year can apply to be part of The Fleming Applied Agency. Those that have already been part of the Agency do not need to apply. By November 30, 2007 applicants are required to book an interview at Room 610D and e-mail their application package to Tony Macdonald, President, The Fleming Applied Agency at tomacdon@flemingc.on.caThe package should include your resume, introductory letter explaining why you want to join the Agency, and a completed brief Independent Development Plan. Interviews will be held December 3, 2007 from 1 to 3 p.m. in Room 470H and again on December 5, 2007 from 11 to 1 p.m. in Room 605.