Training & employment opportunity with Trees Ontario

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Training & employment opportunity with Trees Ontario


Fleming College, in partnership with Trees Ontario, has a new training and employment opportunity available to Forestry graduates.

Please see the news release from Trees Ontario below:

Trees Ontario is the largest not-for-profit tree planting partnership in North America. With financial support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and RBC Foundation, and in partnership with Fleming College and planting delivery agents, three Afforestation Technician field positions will be hired using a mentoring/training model for a period of six months. Employment will commence April 22, 2013.

What do I need to know about this career opportunity?
Interested candidates must attend the Trees Ontario training session Applied Afforestation Techniques for Southern Ontario, to be held at Fleming College on Saturday, Jan. 26, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday, Jan. 30, 5 to 10 p.m.

An administrative fee of $50 payable to Fleming College will apply; registration is restricted to 20 candidates. Attendees must register with Gerald Guenkel at the college’s Frost Campus, and pay by Jan. 19, 2013. A Certificate of Training will be issued by Trees Ontario to all candidates who successfully complete the training. 

Employment begins April 22, 2013 and runs for six months ending in October with a wage of $17.50/hour based on 40 hours per work week.

These positions are designed as paid mentoring/training opportunities, working at three strategic locations in southern Ontario with support and direction provided by forest sector leading afforestation partners.

What will I learn?
Candidates will receive exposure to a wide variety of applied forestry experience in Southern Ontario including exposure to leading edge afforestation techniques that enhance the health and integrity of the local environment, soil, site and survival assessments, seed collection and seed genetics, exposure to tree nursery and seed plant roles, techniques for mitigating climate change and invasive species all while collaborating with landowners, municipalities, Conservation Authorities and the private sector. Although program focus will be on afforestation techniques, successful candidates will be exposed to a broad spectrum of forest related services as provided by host partners.

How do I qualify for the position?

–          Successfully attend the Applied Afforestation Techniques for Southern Ontario training session

–          Graduating with a college Forestry diploma in April, 2013 or recently  graduated from the Forestry diploma program

–          Valid Ontario Driver’s Licence

–          Ability to work in inclement weather conditions

–          First Aid and CPR Training

–          Willingness to travel throughout Southern Ontario

–          Submit a covering letter and resume (Max. 5 pgs.)

Additional Information
Covering letter and resume are due Feb. 8, 2013. Qualifications should be submitted to Gerald Guenkel.  Trees Ontario thanks you for your interest. Only those selected for further screening or an interview will be contacted. General inquiries can be directed to Gerald Guenkel, Forestry Program Coordinator (705) 324-9144 or Inquires related to field locations and specific working duties can be directed to Mike Walsh, Trees Ontario PLANT Project Manager, (705) 748-4398 or

Background Information
In 2012, Trees Ontario completed a forest sector analysis of the capacity to both sustain and grow their afforestation program.  Results indicate that the afforestation program will be challenged in the near future by the pending retirement of experienced forestry staff. Also documented in this analysis was a lack of mentoring/ training at the field level to replace this knowledge and experience. Trees Ontario and its partners feel this proactive approach to providing training at the college level in conjunction with paid placements working with experienced forestry staff will lead to new employment opportunities in Southern Ontario not previously available to graduates of the forestry program.       

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