Update your record

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Update your record

Update your alumni record to stay informed of professional development opportunities, class reunions, college news, your alumni benefits, and more.

We encourage you to set an annual reminder in your calendar; be sure to include this web link for quick access.

All personal information is kept strictly confidential in accordance with the College's Freedom of Information Policies and Guidelines.

Contact information

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This field is required and must contain a valid email address.
Fleming Ties annual magazine
Event Invitation
Alumni & Community Update Email
Fleming Fundraising (email)
Alumni Discounts and Commercial Emails
Alumni Record Update Annual Reminder

Education information

Employment information

Personal information

Share news of a marriage, birth, awards, career promotions, new ventures, etc. with your fellow alumni. We may include your news in Fleming Ties alumni magazine or on our Social Media networks. We will let you know when and where your information is shared. Please keep your submissions to 100 words or less.

We may include your memory in Fleming Ties alumni magazine or on our Social Media networks. We will let you know when and where your information is shared. Please keep your submissions to 100 words or less.

How would you like to receive your Fleming Ties alumni magazine?

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