Jory Elliott

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Jory Elliott

Jory Elliott

Jory Elliott

What was your experience at Fleming like?

I loved the feel and flow of campus. It offered a high school like feel where I crossed paths with people I knew in the hallways with regularity, which often led to plans to get together later on at the school pub or out on the town.

How did your Fleming education set you on your career path?

The decision to study business was a very methodical one, believing that the knowledge I would gain would have relevance along any career path I followed. I couldn't have been more right about that, and choosing Fleming as the place that I studied still feels like the right choice today thanks to the wonderful environment and the knowledgeable, accessible teaching staff.

What values are important to you that have enabled you to become a leader?

My values have changed significantly over the years based on my experiences. What I put the most priority on now is leading by example, empathy as a tool to create perspective, and knowledge attainment, both externally through podcasts and reading, and internally through collaboration with the people who make my endeavours tick.

What advice do you have for recent graduates just starting out in their career?

Try things. Lots of things. Don't be afraid to be wrong or make mistakes. Choose places to work that elevate your soul as much or more than your bank account.

What continues to drive you to do the work that you do?

I'm a builder, so I love the process of learning, creating and innovating in what I'm doing. As an example, my most recent project, Borealis Adventure Camp (@borealisac) is a direct descendent of my love for the childhood development component of my work as a professional ice hockey coach.

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