Community Services Programs

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Community Services Programs

A young woman sits at a table with small children in a classroom setting while studying community services programs at Fleming

Make a Difference Every Day

Programs that address evolving community need

The world is changing, and your program should change with it. Community Services programs at Fleming are designed with a progressive curriculum that is frequently reviewed. Fleming’s Police Foundations program offers a transformative experience that is built on four pillars to prepare students for police: Communication; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Health and Wellness; and Community Service. This program is leading the way in providing specialized training to respond to an increasing number of mental health calls-for-service. The Customs/Border Services Administration program, which already has one of the most customs-specific curricula in Canada, recently underwent significant updates to its course content. In Fleming’s Early Childhood Education program students can earn an Eco-Mentorship Certificate to help children learn about and care for their local environment.

Learn real-world skills with high tech simulations and practical skill labs

Fleming’s Community Services programs will hone your skills in safe, but realistic settings. through simulations as well as real community involvement. Our Pre-Service Firefighter program trains students at the Eastern Ontario Emergency Training Academy located in Norwood, a well-equipped education centre also used by those already in the field. In our annual Mass Casualty Simulation Paramedic and Pre-Service Firefighter students work together on two large scale incidents, with a debrief after each incident to enhance immediate learning. Several programs take advantage of de-escalation training in our 360 degree virtual scenario room. Police Foundations students have the opportunity to participate in a ride-along with officers on patrol. Paralegal students practice litigation skills in our on-campus courtroom. Community and Justice Services students work with inmates in correctional institutions, using their practical and theoretical education for meaningful communications.

Advanced Standing Options for University or College Graduates

The Early Childhood Education program and the Educational Support program offer Advanced Standing options for those with a university degree or college diploma.

Featured Programs

Developmental Service Worker

Provide meaningful support to individuals of all ages with disabilities. Our curriculum is rooted in a person-centred, strength-based approach. Our graduates are eligible for the Person Directed Planning Facilitation Certification.

Explore Program
  • Early Childhood Education

    Through our innovative collaboration with Camp Kawartha, this program includes the Eco-Mentorship Certificate. You will also learn in our newly designed spaces that have direct access to the outdoors. Start on a fun and satisfying career helping young children in their development.

    Early Childhood Education
  • Customs/Border Services Administration

    You will be well-prepare with the most customs-specific curriculum in Canada, extensive training on the latest technologies and enforcement strategies and broad skills that qualify you for careers in both public and private sectors.

    Customs/Border Services Administration
  • Police Foundations

    Fleming’s new and innovative curriculum includes a focus on mental health, communications skills and civilian policing. The program is focussed on meeting societal changes with integrity, honesty, enthusiasm, while promoting and maintaining well-being.

    Police Foundations

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