Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

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Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) is a specialized program in high school that allows you to explore an apprenticeship and consider careers in the skilled trades, generally starting in Grade 11 or 12 through the co-operative education program.

To participate, you will need to connect with your high-school guidance counsellors or local OYAP Coordinator. Program participants are selected by the high school through a competitive application process.

Fleming OYAP students receive Level I apprenticeship in-school training in a full-time block delivery format (30hours/week for 8 weeks) at the Sutherland Campus. Fleming has Ministry approval to deliver OYAP programming in the following trades:

  • 403A General Carpentry
  • 309A Electrician: Construction & Maintenance

For more information:

Ontario Ministry OYAP Information

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

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