Provincial Offences Officers

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Provincial Offences Officers

Select members of Campus Security are appointed as Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officers / Provincial Offences Officers for the purpose of enforcing applicable municipal by-laws on and in relation to College property.

What authority do Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officers / Provincial Offences Officers have?

  1. Pursuant to section 55(2) of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, appointees are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws.
  2. An appointee’s authority is situation specific and dependent on the municipal by-law that they are enforcing, but generally includes the ability to issue tickets.
  3. Certain municipal by-laws allow for the towing or immobilization of vehicles and some allow for the control of animals running at large on College property.

How can I identify a Fleming College Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer / Provincial Offences Officer?

Fleming College employs Security Guards that work in various capacities. All Security Guards appointed as a Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer / Provincial Offences Officer will have a certificate of appointment issued by the authorizing municipality. In-house security personnel will carry a College-issued identification card with their photograph on it while on duty. They will display their identification card upon request.

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