Uniform and Equipment

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Uniform and Equipment

In compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards, Fleming College Campus Security personnel wear uniform items and equipment consistent with security services at other post-secondary institutions in Ontario and across Canada.

In-House personnel supervise contract security guards on campus. As such, the College Community needs to be able to tell in-house personnel apart from other security staff working at various locations around campus.

Uniform Requirements

The Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005 requires that every member of Campus Security to wear a uniform that complies with Ontario Regulation 362/07. Compliance Inspectors from the Private Security and Investigative Services Branch of the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General routinely carry out inspections to ensure Fleming College Campus Security’s compliance with the Act and its regulations.

Personal Protective Equipment

The Occupational Health and Safety Act and requires that every member of Campus Security is provided with equipment, protective devices and clothing to ensure their safety against hazards in the workplace. Campus Security staff work after traditional hours, meaning they deal with people not associated or welcome on campus and are frequently exposed to hazardous situations.

  • Body Armour: Fleming College Campus Security guards wear a body armour tested to National Institute of Justice protection level classifications. Recently issued body armour incorporate industry standard Modular Lightweight Load-Carrying Equipment (MOLLE) load-bearing technology which studies show empirically increases ergonomics and reduces strain on officer’s hips and lower back.
  • Batons: Campus Security guards who have certified in use of batons as a defensive technique carry batons in accordance with Ontario Regulation 366/07. Fleming College Health and Safety assisted in conducting a comprehensive threat assessment setting out the need for Fleming College Campus Security to carry batons. Batons are solely used as personal protective equipment to defend or protect guards or other members of the College community from a threat of force.
  • Handcuffs: Campus Security guards who that certified in use of force and arrest and control carry handcuffs in accordance with Ontario Regulation 366/07. Handcuffs are only used in the unlikely circumstance that a Campus Security guard has to effect an arrest to ensure the safety of the College community or protection of the College’s assets.

In-House Security Uniform

Security guards that are Fleming College employees wear a uniform consistent with those of post-secondary institutions in Ontario. As is common practice at other institutions, the in-house uniform reflects Fleming College’s brand standard and College heraldry. From the top down, this uniform consists of:

  1. A dark grey short-sleeve or long-sleeve shirt with Campus Security patches on both sleeves below the shoulder.
  2. Black body armour displaying the College’s heraldic badge on the front and the term “CAMPUS SECURITY” both front and back.
  3. Black cargo pants
  4. Duty belt with personal protective equipment
  5. Black duty boots

In-house security guards will have their name tag affixed to the chest of the outermost piece of their uniform and epaulettes on the shoulder to visually depict rank to members of the public and outside agencies in accordance with section 4 (2) of Ontario Regulation 362/07.

Contracted Security Uniform

Security guards that work under contract at the College wear a uniform provided by their employer. From the top down, this uniform consists of:

  1. A white short-sleeve or long-sleeve shirt with their employer’s security patches on both sleeves below the shoulder.
  2. Black or dark navy blue body armour displaying their employer’s logo and the term “SECURITY” both front and back.
  3. Dark navy cargo pants.
  4. Duty belt with personal protective equipment.
  5. Black duty boots.

Contracted security guards will have their name tag or Ontario Security Licence number affixed to the chest of the outermost piece of their uniform in accordance with Ontario Regulation 362/07.

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