Course Code: ARTS2813
This course is welcome to all levels. Anyone can take these courses if interested. Beginner-level instruction will be provided for basic skills while more advanced users can work on more complex projects with instructor assistance.
Hand stitch a simple top to create an elegant, embellished garment. This garment will be created completely by hand in the Alabama Chanin slow stitch style. Learn how to add couching, reverse applique, ruched applique, french knots, and other embroidery stitches. You will select your garment style, design your decorative pattern, print it onto the fabric pieces and stitch together two layers of different coloured cotton jersey. Discover the beauty of reverse applique and cut out portions of the top layer to reveal the colours of the under layer. Your piece can be embellished simply or in abundance. The fabric pieces are then stitched together by hand, or if you wish you may use a machine. This project is not for those in a rush to finish.
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