Course Code: ARTS1012
The Ontario Spinning Certificate Program is a six-level program developed by the Education Committee of the Ontario Handweavers and Spinners (OHS). With sufficient registration, each of the six levels will be offered in succession.
This program is not suitable for beginner spinners. Comfort with a spinning wheel and the ability to spin a basic yarn is required.
Completion of each level of study involves 8 days of instruction, followed by independent homework assignments that are completed, mailed to instructors, and evaluated throughout the year.
The OHS program courses are non-credit with Fleming College and are not eligible as elective credits toward Fleming College's Visual and Creative Arts Diploma (VCAD) or Art Certificates.
Level I course of study will include fleece preparation, twist and diameter, woollen spinning, wheel maintenance, colour blending, acid dye theory, and workshop time. A detailed outline for each level of the program is available on the Ontario Handweavers & Spinners website at
Some courses require additional textbooks and/or materials. Please visit your campus store in-person or online:
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