Course Code: ARTS1834
This course is welcome to all levels. Anyone can take these courses if interested. Beginner-level instruction will be provided for basic skills while more advanced users can work on more complex projects with instructor assistance.
Some previous painting experience is recommended.
Learn the underlying anatomical structures that make up the human face, head and neck before studying individual facial features in detail. Preliminary seeing exercises will be introduced to achieve likeness of character and capture the essence of an individual. Geometric analysis will be used to understand placement and proportion. Techniques and processes will be demonstrated and applied to accurately depict shapes and planes that form the head and face in various lighting scenarios. Composition, colour theory and simple perspective will be addressed as they apply to portraiture. Different models will be studied for comparative analysis. Instruction will include ongoing feedback, as requested. The course is designed to impart a fundamental knowledge of portraiture and to develop skills and confidence, enabling you to continue to pursue this discipline.
Some courses require additional textbooks and/or materials. Please visit your campus store in-person or online:
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